Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Loves TV

Annaka is very fasinated by the TV. She has been having some bad belly aches lately and so we bounce her and set her in front of the TV and she is just fine. It was funny the first time we figured this out, my mom was holding and bouncing her and walked over to the TV, when Annaka saw the TV she stopped crying. We just looked at eachother and laughed. So I had to document it.

The next day (11/06) Annaka was having a hard time again, so we set her in her bouncer in front of the TV, next to Troy so he could keep her bouncing. And she was good for about 45 minutes. It was great. We dont know what we will do once we move and don't have a TV anymore :S


  1. I feel better also when I sit in front of the tv. She is so cute, it is making my wife jealous.

  2. we must watch too much disney channel at our house when I recognize that on the tv screen in the last picture is not only wizards of waverly place but the episode is about max and his conscience
