Annaka got her very own toilet for Christmas (actually 2, which is upstairs, one down) She as never used the one downstairs (although she has upstairs) I mostly just want her to see what it's for. If she sits on it, she gets a sticker. If we see she is "pushing" we hurry her to the bathroom so she can learn that's where we go to poop or pee. I always tell her when Im going to the bathroom (which is a lot) and she'll follow me in their and sit on her toilet, then I'll give her a sticker...stickers are amazing, by the way :)
So, first story. The past three nights while the tub is filling up I put Annaka on her toilet seat (the ones that fit on the big toilet, thank goodness). The first two nights she didn't like it and got off pretty quickly, and what does she do...PEE on the ground, of course. The third night I got smart and gave her books to look at! She did great, and peed in the toilet!! Yeah! The fourth night: She sat forever on her toilet, but no pee, although she didn’t want to get off the toilet because she enjoyed being read to...the fifth night, Kirby's turn...and success!!
Alright, the BEST story: This happened this morning-I had just changed her diaper and put her in her highchair to fed her breakfast and she points to her bum (which is has done before to tell me she has poop) so I said “oh, did you poop?” and then she points to the bathroom...I was very impressed at this point and so I took her into the bathroom like she told me and set her on her toilet. Me, thinking she had already pooped, clapped for her and said okay lets go get a sticker, but she said no! So, I waited in there with her for a bit and low and behold she poops! Of course I didn’t take her diaper off, so it wasn't in the toilet, but WHAT A GREAT girl to tell me she had to poop and point at the bathroom! AND maybe even the most amazing part...staying their (even after I offered her a sticker) until she pooped! I am in no way "potty training" right now- just trying to get her familiar with the toilet and what it's used for...I think it's a lot more successful than I had anticipated! Yeah Annaka!!! Although my mom said it's probably just a phase and once she realizes she has to use the toilet all the time, she’ll digress...but we'll celebrate the simple things!
Okay, one last story about the toilet (this actually happened awhile before the first two I mentioned above):
Annaka was being quiet...this is always a sign of her mind spinning and she's up to something...I go in the other room and see this:
This is not like my daughter at all really. She rarely gets into things that she knows are not hers, but that roll of toilet paper just sitting there must have got to her. When I saw it, my first reaction was: upset, but I stepped back and decided to ask her, "what are you going to do with it?" She points at the bathroom...I followed her. She points at her toilet. I say, "yes, that's where it should go." She proceeds to pick up every single piece of toilet paper, take it to the bathroom and put it into her toilet. She was very diligent too! What a little smarty pants :)
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