She's all smiles!
Annaka is "scooping" her arms, and I'm making sure I'm modest (which wasn't always the case wearing my sister's cute swim suit)
What a good little floater...this was her 3th day of floating, sort of getting the hang of it, but far from floating on her own...we'll get there before your 1 for sure!!
This was one of the first times Annaka went under the big deal, right. (Just to explain: the humming is a way of giving the babies a cue that they are going under the water and it's also a way to teach them to blow bubbles out their noses)
This is on the 3rd straight day of swimming and Anna is already learning to "get ready" to go under water, I was laughing so hard...sorry. Watch her face... I wasn't going to put her under water we were just going "up and down" as part of the "circle game" is what I call it when I teach but how cool is that! She had only been under 6 or 7 times before.
Finally an update, I love it. Give her a big squeeze for us.